标签: 天空


An illustration is shown which is a decision tree for identifying a light that might be seen in the sky. The background is gray, and the text is black in red-lined boxes. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


2022年3月21日 The Sky in 2021 Image Credit & Copyright: Cees Bassa (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) Explanation: What if you could see the entire sky — all at once — for an entire year? That, very nearly, is what is pictured here. Every 15 minutes during 2021, an all-sky camera took an image of the sky over the Netherlands. Central c...


2020 July 1 Our Rotating Earth Video Credit & Copyright: Bartosz Wojczyński Explanation: Has your world ever turned upside-down? It would happen every day if you stay fixed to the stars. Most time-lapse videos of the night sky show the stars and sky moving above a steady Earth. Here, however, the camera has been forced to rotate so that the stars remain...


2019 December 22 Solstice Illuminated: A Year of Sky Video Credit & Copyright: Ken Murphy (MurphLab); Music: Ariel (Moby) Explanation: Can you find which day is the winter solstice? Each panel shows one day. With 360 movie panels, the sky over (almost) an entire year is shown in time lapse format as recorded by a video camera on the roof of the Explorato...