标签: 太空科技


On July 17, 2023, NASA’s four Starling CubeSats successfully deployed after having launched aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket, shown in this image. NASA sent the team of four six-unit (6U)-sized CubeSats into orbit around Earth to see if they’re able to cooperate on their own, without real-time updates from mission control. The four CubeSats will fly in tw...


This tunnel view looking up from Level 5 is of the Zero Gravity Facility at Lewis Research Center, now known as John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, and was taken in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sept. 12, 1966. The tower dropped 460 feet and allowed scientists to perform 5.18 seconds of microgravity research. By comparison, the Washington Monument is 555 fee...


Since the days of NASA’s Apollo program, astronauts have documented (and contended with) how liquids behave differently in microgravity than they do on Earth – coalescing into floating spheres instead of bottom-heavy droplets. Now, researchers have demonstrated this effect with a much more exotic material: gas cooled to nearly absolute zero (minus 459 degree...


在这个概念图中描绘的衍射太阳帆可以使任务能够到达难以到达的地方,比如太阳两极上空的轨道。 影像来源:MacKenzi Martin 编者注:此版本已于5月24日更新,包括有关该项目合作研究员的信息。 随着NASA的探索不断推进,该机构选择的新太阳帆概念将被用于一项示范任务,它可以将科学推向新的高度。 衍射太阳帆项目被选为NASA创新先进概念(NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts, NIAC)项目的第三阶段研究。第三阶段旨在对NIAC概念进行战略转型,为NASA、其他政府机构或商业合作伙伴带来最大的潜在影响。 “随着我们比以往任何时候都更深入地探索宇宙,我们将需要创新的尖端技术来推动我们的任务。”NASA局长比尔·纳尔逊说。“NASA创新先进概念计划有助于释放远见卓识的想法,如新颖的...


NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration, or LCRD, launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on the Department of Defense’s Space Test Program 3 mission from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA的激光通信中继演示,或LCRD,由联合发射联盟宇宙神Ⅴ型火箭发射,于2021年12月7日星期...


In this image, a NASA Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket was launched at 8:44 p.m. EDT, Sunday, May 16, 2021, from the Wallops Flight Facility. The four stage rocket carried the KiNETic-scale energy and momentum transport eXperiment, or KiNet-X, designed to study a very fundamental problem in space plasmas, namely, how are energy and momentum transpo...


When Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, the crew brought devices with them called retroreflectors, which are essentially small arrays of mirrors. The plan was for scientists on Earth to aim lasers at them and calculate the time it took for the beams to return. This provided exceptionally precise measurements of the Moon’s orbit and shape, including how it c...


由NASA开发并为其服务的太空技术已经被应用到汽车上,甚至出现在NASCAR的赛道上。未来与汽车工业和汽车制造商的合作可能会改变我们从A点到B点的方式。NASA推动了以下五项汽车创新。 1、NASA标准有助于设计舒适的汽车座椅。 图中所示的中性体位是由太空实验室12个人的测量数据得出的。 影像来源:NASA 多亏了NASA,在路上行驶的驾驶员可能很少抱怨座椅不舒服。 当宇航员登上第一个空间站时,NASA研究了他们的身体在微重力作用下自然呈现的姿势。最初的研究和后续的研究帮助设计了从国际空间站的工作区域到猎户座飞船内部到地球上交通工具上舒适的新汽车座椅的一切。 日产汽车公司将NASA研究作为开发新驾驶员座椅的起点。像宇航员一样,汽车驾驶员需要安全,舒适,才能长时间有效地驾驶汽车。 早在21世纪初,经过多年的研究并...