标签: 太阳系


此图显示了样本采集地点Nightingale,这是OSIRIS-REx在小行星Bennu上的主要样本收集地点。该图像上覆盖了OSIRIS-REx航天器的图形,以说明该地点的规模。 来源:NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona 编者注:Nightingale陨石坑的大小已于2019年12月12日更正为460英尺(140米)宽。 在对小行星Bennu的巨石散布的表面进行一年的探测之后,领导NASA的第一个小行星样本返回任务的团队正式选择了一个样本收集地点。 起源,光谱解析,资源识别,安全,OSIRIS-REX任务小组得出结论,一个被命名为“Nightingale”的地点——位于本努北半球的一个陨石坑——是OSIRIS-REx宇宙飞船采集样本的最佳地点。 为了确定样本收集的最佳选择,OS...


左边是1979年3月2日由旅行者1号飞船从290万公里(180万英里)外拍摄的木卫二。下一幅是1979年7月9日旅行者2号飞船近距离接触木卫二时拍摄的彩色图像。右边是木卫二的图像,是由伽利略号飞船在20世纪90年代末拍摄的。 来源:NASA/JPL 40年前,旅行者号宇宙飞船拍摄了木卫二的第一张特写照片,木卫二是木星的79颗卫星之一。这些发现的带褐色的裂缝切割了木卫二表面的冰层,这让木卫二看起来像一个布满血管的眼球。自那以后的几十年里,前往外太阳系的任务已经积累了足够多的关于木卫二的额外信息,使它成为美国国家航空航天局(NASA)搜寻生命的高优先目标。 这颗卫星之所以如此诱人,是因为它可能拥有生命所需的所有要素。科学家有证据表明,其中一种成分——液态水——存在于冰冷的地表之下,有时可能会以巨大的间歇泉形式喷发到...


This view from NASA’s Juno spacecraft captures colorful, intricate patterns in a jet stream region of Jupiter’s northern hemisphere known as “Jet N3.” Jupiter’s cloud tops do not form a simple, flat surface. Data from Juno helped scientists discover that the swirling bands in the atmosphere extend deep into the planet, to a dept...


Like a drop of dew hanging on a leaf, Tethys appears to be stuck to Saturn’s A and F rings from this perspective in this 2014 image from the Cassini mission. For more than a decade, Cassini shared the wonders of Saturn and its family of icy moons—taking us to astounding worlds where methane rivers run to a methane sea and where jets of ice and gas are ...


This image taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft shows sedimentary rock and sand within Danielson Crater, an impact crater about 42 miles or 67 kilometers in diameter, located in the southwest Arabia Terra region of Mars. The rock was formed millions or billions of years ago when loose sediments settled into the crater, one layer at a time, and...


In late August 2019, scientists from NASA’s upcoming Mars 2020 mission joined their counterparts from the joint European-Russian ExoMars mission in an expedition to the Australian Outback, one of the most remote, arid regions on the planet. Both teams came to hone their research techniques before their missions launch to the Red Planet next summer in s...


Sixteen years ago, NASA launched its Spitzer Space Telescope into orbit around the Sun. Since the observatory launched on Aug. 25, 2003, it has been lifting the veil on the wonders of the cosmos, from our own solar system to faraway galaxies, using infrared light. Spitzer’s primary mission lasted five-and-a-half years and ended when it ran out of the l...


In the year since its launch, the Parker Solar Probe has collected a host of scientific data from two close passes of the Sun. In this image, the craft’s WISPR instrument saw the solar wind streaming past during the spacecraft’s first solar encounter in November 2018. The spacecraft carries four suites of scientific instruments to gather data on ...


NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory, or SDO, was the first mission to be launched for NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program, and is designed to understand the causes of solar variability and its impacts on Earth. SDO ​launched on February 11, 2010, on its journey to help us understand the Sun’s influence on Earth and Near-Earth space by stud...


Lost in the glare following the Apollo 11 Moon landing, two intrepid robotic spacecraft flew by Mars in the summer of 1969 and returned photographs and a trove of scientific information. Launched on Feb. 25 and March 27, respectively, Mariner 6 and 7 arrived at Mars just five days apart despite being launched a month apart. After a flight of 156 days from Ea...