标签: 巴黎


2022年7月12日 Noctilucent Clouds over Paris Credit & Copyright: Bertrand Kulik Explanation: It’s northern noctilucent cloud season. Composed of small ice crystals forming only during specific conditions in the upper atmosphere, noctilucent clouds may become visible at sunset during late summer when illuminated by sunlight from below. Noctilucent clou...


2019 June 28 巴黎的夏至夜 影像来源及版权: Michel Loic 说明:6月21日的夜晚是地球北纬地区时长最短的夜晚,因此位于北纬48.9度的巴黎也不例外。尽管如此,这座光明之城仍然异常明亮。在夏至日落后,天空中布满了银色的夜光云。流星尘或火山灰上的冰冷凝结物悬浮在太空边缘,它们位于中气层最大高度、强烈的阳光下。在夏季的高纬度地区,我们可以看到引人注目且广泛分布的北方夜光云。 A Solstice Night in Paris Image Credit & Copyright: Loic Michel Explanation: The night of June 21 was the shortest night for planet Earth’s northern lat...