这个巨型螺旋星系或许会被称为“哥斯拉星系”(Godzilla galaxy),因为该星系有可能是其所在宇宙中已知的最大星系。该星系名为UGC 2885,比银河系宽2.5倍,其恒星数量则是银河系的10倍。 不过研究人员表示,UGC 2885星系是一个“…
这个巨型螺旋星系或许会被称为“哥斯拉星系”(Godzilla galaxy),因为该星系有可能是其所在宇宙中已知的最大星系。该星系名为UGC 2885,比银河系宽2.5倍,其恒星数量则是银河系的10倍。 不过研究人员表示,UGC 2885星系是一个“…
2019 December 24 A Northern Winter Sky Panorama Image Credit & Copyright: Tomas Slovinsky Explanation: What stars shine i…
For this image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope turned its powerful eye toward an emission-line galaxy called NGC 3749. W…
The universe is simply so vast that it can be difficult to maintain a sense of scale. Many galaxies we see through telescopes…
2019 October 13 A Stellar Jewel Box: Open Cluster NGC 290 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Acknowledgement: E. Olzewski (U. A…
This atmospheric image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a dark, gloomy scene in the constellation of Gemi…
Although it looks more like an entity seen through a microscope than a telescope, this rounded object, named NGC 2022, is cer…