标签: 恒星


For this image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope turned its powerful eye toward an emission-line galaxy called NGC 3749. When astronomers explore the contents and constituent parts of a galaxy somewhere in the universe, they use various techniques and tools. One of these is to spread out the incoming light from that galaxy into a spectrum and explore its ...


The universe is simply so vast that it can be difficult to maintain a sense of scale. Many galaxies we see through telescopes such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the source of this beautiful image, look relatively similar: spiraling arms, a glowing center, and a mixture of bright specks of star formation and dark ripples of cosmic dust weaving throu...

恒星珠宝盒:疏散星团NGC 290

2019 October 13 A Stellar Jewel Box: Open Cluster NGC 290 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Acknowledgement: E. Olzewski (U. Arizona) Explanation: Jewels don’t shine this bright — only stars do. Like gems in a jewel box, though, the stars of open cluster NGC 290 glitter in a beautiful display of brightness and color. The photogenic cluster, pictur...


Credit:NASA NASA的凌星系外行星巡天望远镜(TESS)首次观测到一起宇宙惨案,一颗黑洞撕裂了一颗恒星,称为潮汐瓦解事件(TDE),这起事件名为ASASSN-19bt。 NASA的尼尔·盖恩斯·斯威夫特天文台和其他设施将对此进行了后续观测,这是对恒星毁灭事件早期时刻迄今进行的最详细观察,研究论文发表在2019年9月27日的天体物理学杂志。 论文合作者Patrick Vallely称:“早期的TESS数据让我们能够看到离黑洞非常近的光,比我们之前看到的要近得多。”ASASSN-19bt的亮度上升非常平稳,这也有助于我们确定这是一起潮汐瓦解事件,而不是其他类型的爆发。 全天自动测量超新星(All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae,简写ASAS-SN)于1月29日发现...


This atmospheric image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a dark, gloomy scene in the constellation of Gemini (the Twins). The subject of this image confused astronomers when it was first studied — rather than being classified as a single object, it was instead recorded as two objects, owing to its symmetrical lobed structure (known as NGC ...


Although it looks more like an entity seen through a microscope than a telescope, this rounded object, named NGC 2022, is certainly not algae or tiny, blobby jellyfish. Instead, it is a vast orb of gas in space, cast off by an aging star. The star is visible in the orb’s center, shining through the gases it formerly held onto for most of its stellar li...


NASA/JPL-Caltech/D.Berry and NASA Goddard Scientific 一个行星系统中,首先需要一颗恒星,这段视频从距离我们大约6500光年的”创生之柱”讲起。 0到10万年间,一颗恒星诞生于一团冷云中,它会塌缩成一团气体,周围环绕着一个看上去像是煎饼的圆盘。 10万年到100万年间,处于婴儿期的恒星会吞噬周围的气体和尘埃,此时新生恒星的亮度和增强,并在两极喷射喷流。 1百万到1千万年间,婴儿行星诞生于环绕恒星的尘埃聚集,并在与其他小天体的碰撞中变得更大。 1千万年到10亿年间,少年期的行星,它们会四处移动,相互作用,将较小的天体踢向其他行星,或恒星,或踢出这个行星系统。 10亿年到100亿年间,青壮年期的行星就像我们今天的太阳系一样,行星的轨道不再发生太大的变化,...