标签: 星系团


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现场报道: “死星”黑洞正在活动

一组天文学家研究了16个向太空发射强大光束的超大质量黑洞,以追踪这些射束或喷流现在指向的位置以及过去的目标位置。利用NASA的钱德拉X射线天文台和NSF NRAO的VLBA,他们发现一些射束的方向发生了较大改变。




2023年11月8日 Perseus Galaxy Cluster from Euclid Image Credit & License: ESA, Euclid, Euclid Consortium, NASA; Processing: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay) & Giovanni Anselmi; Text: Jean-Charles Cuillandre Explanation: There’s a new space telescope in the sky: Euclid. Equipped with two large panoramic cameras, Euclid captures light fro...


2023年11月2日 The Fornax Cluster of Galaxies Image Credit & Copyright: Marcelo Rivera Explanation: Named for the southern constellation toward which most of its galaxies can be found, the Fornax Cluster is one of the closest clusters of galaxies. About 62 million light-years away, it’s over 20 times more distant than our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy,...

星系团Abell 370及后方的天体

2023年9月12日 Galaxy Cluster Abell 370 and Beyond Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Jennifer Lotz and the HFF Team (STScI) Explanation: Some 4 billion light-years away, massive galaxy cluster Abell 370 is captured in this sharp Hubble Space Telescope snapshot. The cluster of galaxies only appears to be dominated by two giant elliptical galaxies and infested with faint a...


2023年7月15日 Webb’s First Deep Field Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, NIRCam Explanation: This stunning infrared image was released one year ago as the James Webb Space Telescope began its exploration of the cosmos. The view of the early Universe toward the southern constellation Volans was achieved in 12.5 hours of exposure with Webb’s NIRCam ...


2023年6月9日 Pandora’s Cluster of Galaxies Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Ivo Labbe (Swinburne), Rachel Bezanson (University of Pittsburgh), Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Explanation: This deep field mosaicked image presents a stunning view of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 from the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam. Also dubbed Pandora’s Clust...