See Explanation. Clicking on the video will download the highest resolution version available.
See Explanation. Clicking on the video will download the highest resolution version available.
A person stands looking over a lake. High in a partly cloudy sky is the Sun. A close look at the Sun will show that there is a dark spot in the center — the Moon during an annular eclipse. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
2021年01月25日 Southern Cross over Chilean Volcano Image Credit & Copyright: Tomáš Slovinský Explanation: Have you ever see…
2019 December 8 Geminid Meteors over Chile Image Credit & Copyright: Yuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TW…
当地时间2019年7月2日,智利拉西亚天文台(La Silla Observatory)拍摄到的日全食,全世界大约1000人在拉西亚天文台观看了日全食。下面这段完整视频由欧洲南方天文台所记录。 注:小程序暂时无法观看该视频,请点击右下角“···”符号…