

A star field appears above a town at night. The left part of the sky shows a pinkish-red glow that is an aurora, while the right part of the sky shows a smoother and darker glow that is a SAR arc. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.



A star filled night sky is shown with aurora visible in blue, purple and green. The aurora could be perceived to be a spruce tree, or even a
Christmas tree. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

STEVE: 法国上空形如跨天长河的光弧

STEVE: 法国上空形如跨天长河的光弧

A night sky is shown with a bright red band running overhead. Above the red band is a diffuse red glow. A path through a grassy filed is in the foreground with a path going out toward the horizon. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.



A night sky is shown that appears mostly red due to pervasive aurora. In the foreground is covered by watery grasslands. Clouds are visible above the horizon. Thin green aurora are visible toward the top of the frame. In the background one can find the Moon, the LMC, SMC, Venus, a meteor, and the band of our Milky Way galaxy. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.