With wildflowers surrounding the view, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Moon rocket – carried atop the Crawler-Transporter 2 …
With wildflowers surrounding the view, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Moon rocket – carried atop the Crawler-Transporter 2 …
一个巨大的粉红色斑点星系,像一个轮子,内部有一个小的椭圆形的内环,中间是尘土飞扬的蓝色。左边有两个较小的螺旋星系,在黑色背景下大小大致相同。 影像来源:NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜观察了混乱的车轮星系,…
NASA celebrates the life of Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek actor, trailblazer, and role model, who symbolized to so many what wa…
Zeta Ophiuchi is a star with a complicated past, having likely been ejected from its birthplace by a powerful stellar explosi…
Though Mars is the Red Planet, false-color images can help us learn about its weather and geology. This image shows a variety…
An Alta-X drone operated by NASA researchers flies over NASA Langley’s City Environment Range Testing for Autonomous Integrat…
The Apollo 11 crew simulates deploying and using lunar tools on the surface of the Moon during a training exercise on April 2…