

利用NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜,研究人员终于证实了之前模型预测的结果:一颗系外行星的早晚大气存在差异。WASP-39 b是一颗巨大的行星,其直径比木星大1.3倍,但质量与土星相似,围绕距离地球约700光年的一颗恒星运行。这颗行星受到潮汐锁定,这意味着它拥有一个恒定的昼面和一个恒定的夜面——行星的一侧始终暴露在其恒星之下,而另一侧则始终笼罩在黑暗中。

毕宿一: 有行星的恒星

毕宿一: 有行星的恒星

2024年1月26日 Epsilon Tauri: Star with Planet Image Credit & Copyright: Reg Pratt Explanation: Epsilon Tauri lies 146 light-years away. A K-type red giant star, epsilon Tau is cooler than the Sun, but with about 13 times the solar radius it has nearly 100 times the solar luminosity. A member of the Hyades open star cluster the giant star is known by the proper name Ain, and along with brighter giant star Aldebaran, forms the eyes of Taurus the Bull. Surrounded by dusty, dark clouds in Taurus, epsilon Tau is also known to have a planet. Discovered by radial velocity measurements in 2006, Epsilon Tauri b is a gas giant planet larger than Jupiter with an orbital period of 1.6 years. And though the exoplanet can’t…



2023年9月20日 Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet Illustration Credit: Ahmad Jabakenji (ASU Lebanon, North Star Space Art); Data: NASA, ESA, CSA, JWST Explanation: Where else might life exist? One of humanity’s great outstanding questions, locating planets where extrasolar life might survive took a step forward in 2019 with the discovery of a significant amount of water vapor in the atmosphere of distant exoplanet K2-18b. The planet and its parent star, K2-18, lie about 124 light years away toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo). The exoplanet is significantly larger and more massive than our Earth, but orbits in the habitable zone of its home star. K2-18, although more red than our Sun, shines in K2-18b‘s sky with a brightness similar to the Sun in Earth’s sky….