NASA’s X-59 research aircraft moves from its construction site to the flight line – or the space between the hangar and the r…
NASA’s X-59 research aircraft moves from its construction site to the flight line – or the space between the hangar and the r…
The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it ma…
左图:位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的KBR设施的低压舱,通过降低舱内的气压来模拟非常高的海拔高度。舱内的实验对象经历了在更高海拔处存在的减压条件,在这种情况下,海拔高达60,000英尺。 右图:一名军事测试志愿者在接受快速减压前,穿着防护装备呼吸氧气。测…
NASA’s X-59 requires the use of creative and strategic supersonic technologies to control and soften the jarring sound that h…
The X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology, or QueSST, wing assembly is lifted by a crane and moved to another area of the manufact…
X-59 QueSST降落在跑道上的示意图 来源:Lockheed Martin NASA30多年来的首架大型有人驾驶的X-plane,经过高级管理人员周四在华盛顿NASA总部举行的重大项目审查后,已获准进行系统的最后组装和整合。 被称为关键决策点D…
In the high desert of California, some of the most important aircraft in aviation history have been built and flown. NASA’s X…