标签: 阿姆斯特朗飞行研究中心


Pilots Troy Asher and Stu Broce walk out of NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center’s (AFRC) hangar in Palmdale, California, toward the flight line. In addition to aeronautics research, Flight Operations personnel support such missions as the Mars Perseverance Rover, slated to launch in July 2020. Armstrong’s Building 703 in Palmdale opened in 2007 at ...


Blooming roses at the Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) highlight the Bell X-IE aircraft mounted in front of the main building at the center. The X-1E was one of the first supersonic aircraft and was the last of the X-1 series of aircraft. It was last flown in November 1958 and now resides at the center. The aircraft was developed by NASA’s prede...


在NASA的阿姆斯特朗飞行研究中心,NASA的第一架全电动X系列飞机,X-57 麦克斯韦开始了它的遥测测试,图中运行人员正在测试记录结果。遥测测试是X-57一系列功能测试中的关键阶段,这些测试除了确认X-57飞机向地面团队传输速度、高度、方向和位置数据的能力外,还确认了传输关键性任务数据(如电压、功耗和结构完整性)的能力。X-57的目标,是帮助新兴的电动飞机市场设定认证标准。 图片来源:NASA/肯•乌尔布里希(Ken Ulbrich) 美国航空航天局(NASA)的第一架全电动X系列飞机,X-57麦克斯韦(X-57 Maxwell)最近进行了地面测试,成功证明X-57麦克斯韦飞机具有发送遥测信号的能力,让项目团队能够在飞行过程中跟踪关键的任务数据。 在X-57的飞行测试期间,地面将能接收到这些数据,在飞行操作期...