2021年05月03日 Apollo 11: Earth, Moon, Spaceship Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 11; Restoration – Toby Ord Explanation: After …
2021年05月03日 Apollo 11: Earth, Moon, Spaceship Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 11; Restoration – Toby Ord Explanation: After …
On July 20, 1969, two American astronauts made history by landing on the surface of another celestial body. This image is a c…
In this image from 1969, Life Detection Systems branch chief Vance Oyama operates a specially designed soil distribution syst…
Born on August 5, 1930, Neil Armstrong would have been 89 years old today. During his lifetime, he was a man of many accompli…
阿波罗11号月球行走时留下的脚印(其中有部分为2009年修复重制) 视频来源:NASA 1961年,尤里•阿列克谢耶维奇•加加林(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)乘坐东方1号宇宙飞船(Vostok 1),成为了第一名进入太空的人类…
前苏联发射的第一颗人造卫星Sputnik拉开了冷战时期美国和前苏联太空竞赛的序幕。作为回应,美国也发射了自己的第一颗人造卫星“探索者1号”,发现了范艾伦辐射带,并最终研制出将宇航员送上月球表面并安全带回地球的运载火箭和航天器。 那是美国历史上最辉煌的…
The Apollo 11 Command Module is hoisted aboard the USS Hornet, the prime recovery vessel for the historic Apollo 11 lunar lan…
On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off for the Moon and into history. Artist Russ Arasmith’s vision of Apollo was a pot…
2019 July 20 Apollo 11 Landing Panorama Image Credit: Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11, NASA Explanation: Have you seen a panorama f…