标签: 3D打印


2023年4月6日 Terran 1 Burns Methalox Image Credit: Relativity / John Kraus Explanation: Relativity’s Terran 1 Rocket is mostly 3D-printed. It burns a cryogenic rocket fuel composed of liquid methane and liquid oxygen (methalox). In this close-up of a Terran 1 launch on the night of March 22 from Cape Canaveral, icy chunks fall through the stunning frame a...


Future lunar landers might come equipped with 3D printed rocket engine parts that help bring down overall manufacturing costs and reduce production time. NASA is investing in advanced manufacturing – one of five industries of the future – to make it possible. Through a series of hot-fire tests in November, NASA demonstrated that two additively manufactured e...

3D打印的皮肤和骨骼, 供人类前往火星

太空3D生物打印技术 版权:TUD/OHB System/Blue Horizon 3D打印的人体组织可以帮助宇航员在前往火星的旅途中保持健康。欧洲航天局(ESA)的一个项目已经制作出了第一批生物打印的皮肤和骨骼样本。 这些最由最先进的技术生产出来的样本由来自德国德累斯顿工业大学(TUD)附属医院的科学家们和项目其他合作伙伴:项目主要承包商德国OHB System-AG公司和德国生命科学公司Blue Horizon共同制作而成。 生物打印骨骼样本 版权:ESA – SJM Photography TUD的尼夫斯•库伯(Nieves Cubo)评论道:“人类血浆作为一种营养丰富的’生物墨水’,可以用来生物打印皮肤细胞,皮肤细胞也很容易从宇航员身上获取。 生物打印皮肤样本 版权:ESA – SJM Photogra...