标签: Arrokoth


2020 April 1 Asteroid or Potato? Image Credit: Jack Sutton Explanation: Is this asteroid Arrokoth or a potato? Perhaps, after all the data was beamed back to Earth from NASA’s robotic New Horizons spacecraft, the featured high resolution image of asteroid Arrokoth was constructed. Perhaps, alternatively, the featured image is of a potato. Let’s c...


2019 November 18 Passing Asteroid Arrokoth Video Credit: NASA, JHU APL, SwRI Explanation: What would it look like to pass asteroid Arrokoth? The robotic New Horizons spacecraft zoomed past Arrokoth in January, 3.5 years after the spacecraft passed Pluto. If this object’s name doesn’t sound familiar, that may be because the distant, double-lobed, ...

新视野号飞越的柯伊伯带天体被正式命名为“Arrokoth” 寓意天空

由新视野号航天器所传回数据生成的柯伊伯带天体2014 MU69的合成图像 来源:NASA 柯伊伯带天体2014 MU69被正式命名为“阿罗科斯”(Arrokoth),Arrokoth在波瓦坦/阿尔贡琴语中是“天空”的意思。取这个名字也是向航天器有史以来距离地球最遥远的一次飞越致敬。 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)新视野号(New Horizons)航天器对距离地球40亿英里的Arrokoth进行了破纪录的探测,这是人类迄今所探测到的最远天体。在征得波瓦坦部落长老和代表们的同意后,新视野号团队向负责命名柯伊伯带天体的国际权威组织:国际天文联合会(International Astronomical Union)和小行星中心(Minor Planet Center)提议了“Arrokoth”这个名字。2019年11...