标签: C/2017 T2


2020 June 6 Comet PanSTARRs and the Galaxies Image Credit & Copyright: Dan Bartlett Explanation: Comet PanSTARRs, C/2017 T2, shared this stunning telescopic field of view with galaxies M81 and M82 on May 22/23. Of course, the galaxies were some 12 million light-years distant and the comet about 14 light-minutes away, seen in planet Earth’s sky towa...


2020 January 30 Two Clusters and a Comet Image Credit & Copyright: Rolando Ligustri (CARA Project, CAST) Explanation: This lovely starfield spans some four full moons (about 2 degrees) across the heroic northern constellation of Perseus. In telescopic exposures made during the nights of January 24, 26, and 28 it holds the famous pair of open or galactic ...