标签: CTB 1


2023年4月24日 The Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant Image Credit & Copyright: Kimberly Sibbald Explanation: What powers this unusual nebula? CTB-1 is the expanding gas shell that was left when a massive star toward the constellation of Cassiopeia exploded about 10,000 years ago. The star likely detonated when it ran out of elements near its core that could ...


2021年01月18日 The Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant Image Credit & Copyright: Russell Croman Explanation: What powers this unusual nebula? CTB-1 is the expanding gas shell that was left when a massive star toward the constellation of Cassiopeia exploded about 10,000 years ago. The star likely detonated when it ran out of elements, near its core, that could...