Lying inside our home galaxy, the Milky Way, this Herbig–Haro object is a turbulent birthing ground for new stars in a region…
我们天空中一些最令人惊叹的景象出现在日落时分,阳光穿透云层,形成了由云层的阴影和大气散射的光束形成的明暗混合光线。 研究邻近星系IC 5063的天文学家们被美国宇航局哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像所吸引。在这种情况下,从活跃星系耀眼的中心可以看到一束狭窄的…
Observed with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the faint galaxy featured in this image is known as UGC 12588. Unlike many…
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the galaxy LRG-3-817, also known as SDSS J090122.37+181432.3. The galaxy,…
The galaxy UGCA 193, seen here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is a galaxy in the constellation of Sextans (the Sexta…
如果没有恒星,宇宙将是一个非常无聊的地方。如果没有它们,宇宙将仍然是一个来自大爆炸的氢和氦的弥散等离子体。 作为宇宙的基本组成部分,恒星核聚变炉锻造出新的重元素,丰富它们的母体星系。来自恒星的辐射能可能在最适宜的行星上孕育生命,就像在地球上一样。 为…
This image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, depicts a special class of star-forming nursery known as Free-flo…