European Space Agency astronaut Samatha Cristoforetti captured a photo of a portion of China’s Tanggula Mountains near …
On Sept. 12, 1962, President Kennedy spoke before a crowd of 35,000 people at Rice University in Houston. During his speech, …
This nighttime photograph from the International Space Station (ISS) as it orbited 261 miles above Earth looks across the Med…
大自然喜欢螺旋——从飓风的漩涡,到围绕新生恒星的风车状原行星盘,再到我们宇宙中广阔的螺旋星系领域。 现在天文学家们困惑地发现,在银河系的卫星星系小麦哲伦星云中,年轻的恒星正在螺旋状地进入一个巨大星团的中心。 在这个巨大、形状奇特的恒星托儿所NGC34…
The Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of a rare geometric arrangement of the outer planets in the late 1970s and…
在这张横跨340光年的拼接图像中,韦伯的近红外相机(NIRCam)以全新的视角展示了狼蛛星云的恒星形成区域,其中包括数以万计从未见过的年轻恒星,这些恒星以前被宇宙尘埃笼罩。最活跃的区域似乎闪烁着巨大的年轻恒星,呈淡蓝色。 影像来源:NASA, ESA…
A little-studied star, TYC 3203-450-1, upstages a galaxy in this Hubble Telescope image from December 2017. Both the star and…
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard is seen atop the mobile launcher at Launch Pad 39B, …