In this image from July 18, 2023, a NASA team helps attach solar arrays for the agency’s Psyche spacecraft onto a stand inside the Astrotech Space Operations Facility near Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The solar arrays are part of the solar electric propulsion system, provided by Maxar Technologies. They will power the spacecraft on its journey to explore a metal-rich asteroid. Psyche is scheduled to lift off at 10:38 a.m. EDT on Thursday, Oct. 5, on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. Register to attend the Psyche spacecraft launch and create content based on the experience. Image Credit: NASA/Isaac Watson 在这张来自2023年7月18日的图像中,NASA的一个团队帮助该机构的普赛克(Psyche)航天器将太阳能电池板安装到佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心附近的Astrotech空间操作设施内的支架上。太阳能电池板是太阳能电力推进系统的一部分,由Maxar技术公司提供。它们将为探索一颗富含金属的小行星的航天器提供动力。 普赛克计划于美国东部时间10月5日星期四上午10:38乘坐SpaceX猎鹰重型火箭从肯尼迪39A发射中心升空。 注册参加普赛克航天器发射活动,并根据体验创建媒体内容。 图片来源: NASA/Isaac Watson