Major smashups between rocky bodies shaped our solar system. Observations of a similar crash give clues about how frequent th…
Major smashups between rocky bodies shaped our solar system. Observations of a similar crash give clues about how frequent th…
Wally Funk delivers remarks after accepting the 2022 Michael Collins Trophy for Lifetime Achievement, Thursday, March 24, 202…
Like a time capsule that was sealed for posterity, one of the last unopened Apollo-era lunar samples collected during Apollo …
The first corned beef sandwich to orbit Earth was smuggled aboard Gemini III on March 23, 1965. As contraband unapproved for …
Not so long ago, humanity lived in a universe with only a small number of known planets, all of them orbiting our Sun. But a …
Earth’s Moon is seen rising behind NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard atop a mobi…
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard is seen atop a mobile launcher in High Bay 3 of the …
Dr. Eugene N. Parker, visionary of heliophysics and namesake of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, has passed away. He was 94. As a y…
In this image from August 2021, NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei sits and reads while aboard the International Space Station. Va…