标签: impact


2021年9月17日 Video: Flash on Jupiter Video Credit & Copyright: T. Humbert, S. Barré, A. Desmougin & D. Walliang (Société Lorraine d’Astronomie), Astroqueyras Explanation: There has been a flash on Jupiter. A few days ago, several groups monitoring our Solar System’s largest planet noticed a two-second long burst of light. Such flashes hav...


2020年12月11日 Messier Craters in Stereo Image Credit: Apollo 11, NASA; Stereo Image Copyright Patrick Vantuyne Explanation: Many bright nebulae and star clusters in planet Earth’s sky are associated with the name of astronomer Charles Messier from his famous 18th century catalog. His name is also given to these two large and remarkable craters on the Moo...