A red landscape filled with rocks is shown. A hilltop is visible in the distance. A shadow is visible on the landscape. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
A red landscape filled with rocks is shown. A hilltop is visible in the distance. A shadow is visible on the landscape. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
See Explanation. Clicking on the vedio will download the highest resolution version available.
NASA资助的科学家利用NASA月球勘测轨道飞行器(LRO)航天器的数据和计算机建模,发现了月球坑内阴暗的地方,这些位置始终徘徊在舒适的63℉(约17℃)左右。 与月球表面白天加热到260℉(约127℃),晚上冷却到零下280℉(约173℃)的区域相…
2022年2月15日 Terminator Moon Image Credit: NASA, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, SVS; Processing & Copyright: Jai & Nei…
2020年7月19日 Rotating Moon from LRO Video Credit: NASA, LRO, Arizona State U. Explanation: No one, presently, sees the Moon rot…
一开始是为了寻找潜伏在极地月球陨石坑里的冰,后来变成了一项意想不到的发现,这可能有助于澄清月球形成的一些模糊历史。 NASA月球勘测轨道飞行器(LRO)上的微型无线电频率(Mini-RF)仪器的团队成员发现了新的证据,表明月球的地下可能比研究人员想象…
2020 March 3 Apollo 13 Views of the Moon Video Credit: NASA, LRO; Data Visualization: Ernie Wright (USRA); Video Production &…