

沙克尔顿撞击坑的新拼接图 影像来源:Mosaic created by LROC (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) and ShadowCam teams with images provided by NASA/KARI/ASU 沙克尔顿撞击坑的一幅新拼接图展示了两台月球轨道相机的力量,它们协同工作,揭示了月球南极地区前所未有的细节。 这幅拼接图是由2009年开始运行的月球侦查轨道器照相机(LROC)和2022年8月发射的韩国航空宇宙研究院(KARI)达努里(Danuri)航天器上搭载的NASA仪器ShadowCam拍摄的图像拼接而成。ShadowCam是由马林太空科学系统和亚利桑那州立大学开发。 LROC可以捕捉到月球表面的详细图像,但拍摄月球上从未受到阳光直射的阴影部分的能力有限,这些阴影部分被称为永久阴影区域。ShadowCam的感光度是LROC的200倍,可以在极低光照条件下成功运行,揭示LROC看不到的特征和地形细节。ShadowCam依靠月球地质特征或地球反射的阳光来拍摄阴影中的图像。 然而,ShadowCam的感光度使其无法拍摄到阳光直接照射的月球部分的图像,从而产生过曝的结果。每台相机都针对月球两极附近的特定照明条件进行了优化,分析人员可以将这两台仪器的图像结合起来,创建一张月球最亮和最暗部分的地形和地质特征的综合视觉地图。在这幅拼接图中,永久阴影区域,如沙克尔顿撞击坑的内部地面和峭壁,由于阴影相机的图像,可以如此详细地看到。相比之下,这幅拼接图中阳光照射的区域,比如撞击坑的边缘和侧面,是LROC收集的图像的产物。 有了ShadowCam,NASA可以比以前更详细地拍摄月球的永久阴影区域的图像,让科学家更好地观察月球南极区域。该地区从未被人类勘探过,由于被认为含有冰沉积物或其他冻结挥发物,因此对科学和勘探非常感兴趣。科学家们认为,月球上的冰层已经存在了数百万或数十亿年,研究样本的能力可以进一步加深我们对月球和太阳系如何演化的理解。冰沉积物也可以作为一种重要的勘探资源,因为它们由氢和氧组成,可以用于火箭燃料或生命支持系统。 月球南极地区更完整的地图对未来的表面探测工作很有价值,比如VIPER(挥发性物质极地探测车)和阿尔忒弥斯任务,这些任务将使人类重返月球表面,并在月球上建立长期存在。



Gateway’s International Habitat (I-Hab) module, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), is the focus of this rendered image from Aug. 18, 2023. I-Hab is one of two of the space station’s habitation modules along with HALO, the Habitation and Logistics Outpost. Astronauts will live, conduct research, and prepare for lunar surface missions inside the two living quarters. I-Hab will also house life support systems and camera equipment that will enhance Gateway’s scientific research capabilities. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s planned contributions include I-HAB’s environmental control and life support system, batteries, thermal control, and imagery components. They will be integrated into the module by ESA prior to launch. Gateway will be humanity’s first space station in lunar orbit to support NASA’s deep space exploration plans,…



While wearing clean room suits, the Artemis II crew members (from left: NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman, and Christina Koch, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen) check out their Orion crew module inside the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Aug. 7, 2023. The crew module is undergoing acoustic testing ahead of integration with the European Service Module. Orion will carry the crew around the Moon in the first crewed mission on NASA’s path to establishing a long-term lunar presence for science and exploration under Artemis. Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett 2023年8月7日,阿尔忒弥斯二号任务机组人员(左起:NASA宇航员维克托·格洛弗、里德·怀斯曼和克里斯蒂娜·科赫,以及加拿大航天局宇航员杰里米·汉森)穿着洁净室服,在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗操作和检查大楼内检查他们的猎户座机组模块。载人舱在与欧洲服务舱集成之前正在进行声学测试。猎户座将搭载宇航员绕月飞行,这是NASA在阿尔忒弥斯的领导下建立长期月球科学和探索基地的第一次载人任务。 影像来源:NASA/Kim Shiflett



In this image from April 2023, NASA’s Moonikin Campos, a manikin that flew on the Artemis I flight test beyond the Moon, enjoys a quiet moment during acceleration sled testing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Engineers put Moonikin Campos through acceleration sled testing to simulate contingency landings. Sled testing is a common method of testing restraint systems like automotive seats and seat belts to investigate their performance in collision situations. The tests are informing engineers’ understanding of what the experience of flying inside the agency’s Orion spacecraft will be like on crewed missions to the Moon beginning with Artemis II. During testing, the manikin wore the Orion Crew Survival System (OCSS) with a motion tracker on its forehead. Artemis astronauts will wear the…



The Crew Module Test Article (CMTA), a full-scale mockup of NASA’s Orion spacecraft, is seen in the waters of the Pacific Ocean on July 26, 2023, during the first in a series of tests conducted by NASA and the Department of Defense to demonstrate and evaluate the processes, procedures, and hardware for recovery operations for crewed Artemis missions. This test is the first specifically in support of the Artemis II mission and allowed the team to practice what it will be like to recover astronauts and get them back to the recovery ship safely. Image Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux 在NASA正在进行的回收测试10 (URT-10)期间,机组人员模块测试文章(CMTA)出现在太平洋水域。CMTA是猎户座飞船的全尺寸模型,由NASA及其国防部合作伙伴使用它来练习阿尔忒弥斯载人任务的回收程序。URT-10是第一次专门支持阿尔忒弥斯2号任务的测试,让团队练习如何回收宇航员,并将他们安全地带回回收船。 影像来源:NASA/Frank Michaux



One of three specially designed, fully electric, environmentally friendly crew transportation vehicles for Artemis missions sits at Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 11, 2023. These zero-emission vehicles, manufactured by Canoo Technologies Inc., will take Artemis crews on the final Earth-bound leg of their journey to the Moon before boarding their rocket and spacecraft. The new vehicles are customized to accommodate NASA’s unique specifications for Artemis missions while also paying homage to the legacy of the agency’s human spaceflight and space exploration efforts. Many aspects of the design, from the interior and exterior markings to the color of the vehicles to the wheel wells, were chosen by a creative team that included the Artemis launch director and representatives from…



The Orion spacecraft for NASA’s crewed Artemis II (right), Artemis III (left) and Artemis IV (center) missions are stationed next to each other inside the high bay of the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on June 22, 2023. Each capsule is in a different stage of production as technicians and engineers prepare the spacecraft to carry astronauts to and around the Moon on their upcoming flights. Technicians recently installed the heat shield on the Artemis II crew module, and teams are preparing to conduct acoustic testing later this summer. Once complete, the crew module will be joined with its service module in preparation to fly four astronauts around the Moon. The Artemis III crew module, which will…



Teams install the heat shield on the Artemis II Orion spacecraft at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on June 22, 2023. The 16.5-foot-wide shield will ensure the safe return of the astronauts on board as the spacecraft travels at speeds of about 25,000 miles per hour and experiences outside temperatures of nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. See progress on Artemis II, the first crewed mission on NASA’s path to establishing a long-term presence at the Moon for science and exploration. Image Credit: NASA/Cory Huston 2023年6月22日,在NASA位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心,团队正在为阿尔忒弥斯二号任务猎户座飞船安装隔热罩。当飞船以每小时2.5万英里的速度飞行,并经历近5,000华氏度的外部温度时,16.5英尺宽的隔热罩将确保宇航员安全返回。 查看阿尔忒弥斯二号任务的进展,这是NASA在月球上建立长期科学和探索的第一个载人任务。 影像来源:NASA/Cory Huston



Astronauts Reid Wiseman of NASA (left), Jeremy Hansen of the Canadian Space Agency (middle), and Victor Glover of NASA (right) pay close attention to Moon samples as they receive a lesson in the Apollo Lunar Lab at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on May 9, 2023. Wiseman, Hansen, and Glover, along with Christina Koch, will venture around the Moon on Artemis II, the first crewed mission on NASA’s path to establishing a long-term presence at the Moon for science and exploration. Image Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz 2023年5月9日,NASA的宇航员里德·怀斯曼(左)、加拿大航天局的杰里米·汉森(中)和NASA的维克多·格洛弗(右)在美国休斯敦约翰逊航天中心的阿波罗月球实验室接受训练时,正在仔细观察月球样本。 怀斯曼、汉森、格洛弗和克里斯蒂娜·科赫将乘坐阿尔忒弥斯2号绕月探险,这是NASA在月球建立长期科学和探索的道路上的第一次载人任务。 图片来源:NASA/Robert Markowitz