NASA’s uncrewed Orion spacecraft snapped this black and white photo of Earth on Nov. 17, 2022, the second day of the 25.5-day…
NASA’s uncrewed Orion spacecraft snapped this black and white photo of Earth on Nov. 17, 2022, the second day of the 25.5-day…
Stephanie Yazzie, Northern Arizona University student and NAU Space Jacks team member, poses with her team’s rocket in this p…
Our Space Launch System (SLS), the most powerful rocket in the world, carrying the Orion spacecraft launches on the Artemis I…
The Moon is seen rising above NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft at Launch Pad 39B as preparat…
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard is illuminated by spotlights atop the mobile launche…
这张由NASA毅力号拍摄的带注释图像显示了第一个样品库的位置——火星车将在那里存放一组样品管,以便将来可能送返地球——位于耶泽罗陨石坑的一个叫三岔口的区域。这张照片拍摄于2022年8月29日。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech NASA的毅…
NASA的毅力号火星车将其机械臂放置在火星耶泽罗陨石坑中一个名为“斯金纳岭”的岩石露头周围。这幅由多幅图像组成的拼图显示了三角洲悬崖表面的层状沉积岩,以及火星车研磨圆形斑块以分析岩石成分的位置之一。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU…
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard is seen atop the mobile launcher at Launch Pad 39B, …