The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it ma…
The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it ma…
1945年6月27日,沃洛普斯岛上进行了首次火箭发射。 图片来源:NACA 自1945年6月27日发射第一枚火箭以来,沃洛普斯(Wallops)已经从一个用于导弹研究的小型试验场,发展成了美国航空航天局(NASA)在亚轨道和小轨道发射活动的首选地点,…
On March 3, 1915, Congress created the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the organization from which NASA w…