Known as NGC 6523 or the Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8 is a giant cloud of gas and dust where stars are born. At about 4,000 light…
This image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope showcases the emission nebula NGC 2313. Emission nebulae are bright…
The interaction of two doomed stars has created this spectacular ring adorned with bright clumps of gas – a diamond necklace…
在庆祝NASA哈勃太空望远镜发射31周年之际,天文学家将这个著名的天文台对准了一颗明亮 的 “名人星”,这是我们银河系中看到的最亮的恒星之一,被一团炽热的气体和尘埃包围着。 这颗名为船底座AG(AG Carinae)的恒星正在…
This image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope revisits the Veil Nebula, which was featured in a previous Hubble ima…
The life of a planetary nebula is often chaotic, from the death of its parent star to the scattering of its contents far out …