In this image from June 2023, an engineer watches a development model rover during a test for NASA’s Cooperative Autonomous D…
The Moon makes a stunning backdrop for the successful launch of the third in a series of polar-orbiting weather satellites fo…
A team of roboticists from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston have applied their expertise in making robots for deep spac…
NASA利用激光向地球发送信息和从地球发送信息,利用看不见的光束穿越天空,发送数 TB 的数据(图片和视频)以增加我们对宇宙的了解。这种能力被称为激光或光学通信,尽管这些对眼睛安全的红外光束不能被人眼看到。 “我们对未来几年激光通信的前景感到兴奋。”…
This tunnel view looking up from Level 5 is of the Zero Gravity Facility at Lewis Research Center, now known as John H. Glenn…
A NASA CubeSat designed to test a unique lunar orbit is safely in space and on the first leg of its journey to the Moon. The …
2022年6月28日,周二,在新西兰马希亚半岛的火箭实验室1号发射场,地月自主定位系统技术操作和导航实验(或称CAPSTONE)搭载火箭实验室的电子火箭发射升空。 影像来源:Rocket Lab NASA的立方体卫星(CubeSat)设计用于测试一个…