NGC 685占据了舞台的中心位置,在墨黑的背景上闪烁着微弱的恒星。这个星系显然是一个棒旋星系,它有明亮的中心棒和斑驳弯曲的旋臂。它距离我们大约5,800万光年,位于波江座。NGC 685位于天赤道以南,在一年中的某些时候从南半球可以看到。
这张NASA哈勃太空望远镜的新照片的前景是几片亮粉色和几缕暗红色。NGC 5068是一个棒旋星系,有数千个恒星形成区域和大量星际尘埃。
2023年1月23日 The Colliding Spiral Galaxies of Arp 274 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing & Copyright: Mehmet Hakan Özsaraç Explanation: Two galaxies are squaring off in Virgo and here are the latest pictures. When two galaxies collide, the stars that compose them usually do not. This is because galaxies are mostly empty space and, however bright,...
2021年03月20日 The Leo Trio Image Credit & Copyright: Francis Bozon Explanation: This popular group leaps into the early evening sky around the March equinox and the northern hemisphere spring. Famous as the Leo Triplet, the three magnificent galaxies found in the prominent constellation Leo gather here in one astronomical field of view. Crowd pleasers whe...