标签: Sweden


A graphic illustrates hundreds of possible exoplanets, with blue drawings of planets in the middle, red on the right, and tan on the left. Some exoplanets are drawn with rings. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


A landscape shows the sky above, shallow water in front, and hills to the right. The sunset sky is filled with beautifully multicolored clouds. These clouds are clearly reflected by the calm water in front. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.




2022年10月18日 Milky Way Auroral Flower Image Credit & Copyright: Göran Strand Explanation: Could the stem of our Milky Way bloom into an auroral flower? No, not really, even though it may appear that way in today’s featured all-sky image. On the left, the central plane of our home galaxy extends from the horizon past the middle of the sky. On the right, a...


2022年3月22日 A Whale of an Aurora over Swedish Forest Image Credit & Copyright: Göran Strand Explanation: What’s that in the sky? An aurora. A large coronal mass ejection occurred on our Sun earlier this month, throwing a cloud of fast-moving electrons, protons, and ions toward the Earth. Part of this cloud impacted our Earth’s magnetosphere a...


2021年12月28日 Sun Halo over Sweden Video Credit & Copyright: Håkan Hammar (Vemdalen Ski Resort, SkiStar) Explanation: What’s happened to the Sun? Sometimes it looks like the Sun is being viewed through a giant lens. In the featured video, however, there are actually millions of tiny lenses: ice crystals. Water may freeze in the atmosphere into small...


2021年03月14日 A Flag Shaped Aurora over Sweden Image Credit & Copyright: Mia Stålnacke Explanation: It appeared, momentarily, like a 50-km tall banded flag. In mid-March of 2015, an energetic Coronal Mass Ejection directed toward a clear magnetic channel to Earth led to one of the more intense geomagnetic storms of recent years. A visual result was wide s...


2021年02月01日 Lunar Halo over Snowy Trees Image Credit & Copyright: Göran Strand Explanation: Have you ever seen a halo around the Moon? This fairly common sight occurs when high thin clouds containing millions of tiny ice crystals cover much of the sky. Each ice crystal acts like a miniature lens. Because most of the crystals have a similar elongated hex...