Comet NEOWISE and Nebulae
Image Credit & Copyright: Jarek Oszywa
Explanation: Would you brave wild animals to photograph this sky? One astrophotographer did — and we all get to reap the rewards. First, thousands of stars were visible with many of the brightest impressively blue. Next, several red-glowing nebulae were discernible, including the California Nebula on the far right, and, above it, the Heart and Soul nebulae. But the real reason to brave the local wildlife was Comet NEOWISE, visible on the left. In the featured long-duration composite taken last week, Comet NEOWISE’s blue-glowing ion tail points straight up, away from the rising Sun, while the Sun-reflecting dust tail trails off toward the right. The picture combines three exposures taken consecutively over 10 minutes from the same location near Miedzygórze, Poland. A moonlit dirt road shows the path ahead, while the Śnieznik Mountains is visible on the horizon. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) passes its closest to the Earth next week, after which the 5-km wide, evaporating, icy dirtball will fade as it glides back to the outer Solar System.
Notable Images of Comet NEOWISE Submitted to APOD: || July 19 || July 18 || July 17 || July 16 || July 15 || July 14 || July 13 || July 12 || July 11 || July 10 & earlier ||
Tomorrow’s picture: not NEOWISE
影像提供与版权:Jarek Oszywa
说明:说明: 你会冒着被野生动物攻击的风险去拍摄夜空吗?有位天文摄影者就如此做了,于是大家都受惠。在上面这幅影像中,可见到数千颗恒星,其中最明亮的有不少是泛蓝的恒星。此外,还可认出数个星云,包括右缘的加州星云,以及它上方的心与魂星云。不过,之所以甘冒被当地野生动物攻击之险,诱因其实是为了左侧的NEOWISE彗星。在这幅摄于上星期的长曝光组合主题影像里,NEOWISE彗星泛蓝的离子尾垂直上指,向远离太阳的方向流泛,而不停反射阳光的尘尾则右指。这张影像,结合了摄于波兰.缅济古热附近某地点10多分钟期间的3张照片。其中,月光下的土路向前伸展,而远方的地平线横亘着史尼齐尼克山脉。 NEOWISE彗星(C/2020 F3)将在下星期运行距离地球最近的位置,在那之后,随着这团宽5公里、不停蒸发的 脏冰球往太阳系的外围掠去,亮度也会随之降低。
提交给APOD的NEOWISE彗星的著名图像:|| 7月19日 || 7月18日 || 7月17日 || 7月16日 || 7月15日 || 7月14日 || 7月13日 || 7月12日 || 7月11日 || 7月10日或更早 ||
明日的图片:not NEOWISE