


Comet and Lightning Beyond Bighorn Mountains
Image Credit & Copyright:
Kevin Palmer

Explanation: Normally, Steamboat Point looks cool — but not this cool. Every day, the iconic peak of the Bighorn Mountains is an interesting sight, in particular from US Highway 14 in Wyoming. On some rare days, the rocky vertical ridges look even more incredible when seen in front of a distant lightning storm. Earlier this month, though, something even more unusual happened — the naked-eye Comet NEOWISE rose above it in the middle of the night. Just as a distant lightning storm was occurring in the background. Recognizing a rare opportunity, a determined astrophotographer spent a sleepless night capturing over 1400 images of this unusual triple conjunction. The featured image is among the best of them, with the foreground lit by the Moon off to the right. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is now headed back to the outer Solar System, destined to return only in about 6700 years.

Comet NEOWISE Images: July 26 || 25 || 24 || 23 || 22 || 21 || 20 || 19 || 18 || 17 || 16 || 15 || 14 || 13 || 12 || 11 || 10 & earlier ||

Tomorrow’s picture: fighting space dragons

Kevin Palmer

说明: 在一般的情况下,汽艇点看来就很不错,然而不会这么出采。在平常的日子,大角山脉标志性的山峰是很精采的景观,尤其是从怀俄明州的美国第14号高速公路看过去。在某些特别的日子,例如在远方有雷暴系统时,耸立的石质山脊看起来特别壮观。而在这个月初,出现了更特殊的景观,在子夜时,肉眼可见的NEOWISE彗星从山脊的后方升起。在此同时,远方背景里的雷暴系统也闪电大作。在意识到这个难得的机会之后,一位意志坚定的天文摄影者花了整晚拍下了1400多幅照片记录这个不寻常的三重景观。上面这张前景有月华照耀的主题影像,就是其中最好的几幅之一。 NEOWISE彗星(C/2020 F3)目前正踏上返回 太阳系外围之旅,约在6700年后会再次回归。 (Bighorn Mountains 大角山脉)

NEOWISE彗星图像:7月 26日 || 25日 || 24日 || 23日 || 22日 || 21日 || 20日 || 19日 || 18日 || 17日 || 16日 || 15日 || 14日 || 13日 || 12日 || 11日 || 10日或更早 ||

明日的图片: fighting space dragons

1 条回复

  1. 汤才垒 汤说道:


