Jupiter and Saturn Rising Beyond Alien Throne Rock
Image Credit & Copyright: Marcin Zając
Explanation: What planets are those behind that unusual rock spire? Saturn (lower left) and Jupiter. This month, after sunset, the bright planetary duo are quite prominent toward the southeast. Now your view of our Solar System’s largest planets might not include a picturesque hoodoo in the foreground, nor the spectacular central band of our Milky Way Galaxy across the background, but should be quite eye-catching anyway. The featured image is a composite of consecutive foreground and background exposures all taken in late May with the same camera and from the same location — the badlands of the Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness in the San Juan Basin in New Mexico, USA. The rock spire, informally dubbed ‘Alien Throne’, stands about 3 meters tall. Saturn and Jupiter will remain visible together after sunset for several months.
Tomorrow’s picture: Space S
影像提供与授权: Marcin Zając
说明: 有那些行星出现在这根怪异的石柱后方?土星(左下)和木星。在这段日子个的日落后,这对明亮的行星是东南天空最明亮的天体。最近你见到的这二颗太阳系巨行星,或许没有前景美丽的浮图为伴及壮丽的银河系中央盘面为背景,但应该仍然非常吸睛。这幅主题影像,是在今年5月底于美国.新墨西哥州·圣胡安盆地·阿希斯莱巴荒野的恶地,用同一部相机接连拍摄的前景和背景照片组合而成。影像中这根称为”外星人宝座岩”的岩柱,高约3公尺。在接下来数个月日落后的天空中,都可见到结伴的土星和木星。 (Alien Throne Rock 外星人宝座岩)
明日的图片: Space S