The Wizard Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew Klinger
Explanation: Open star cluster NGC 7380 is still embedded in its natal cloud of interstellar gas and dust popularly known as the Wizard Nebula. Seen on the left, with foreground and background stars along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy it lies some 8,000 light-years distant, toward the constellation Cepheus. In apparent size on the sky, a full moon would cover the 4 million year young cluster and associated nebula, normally much too faint to be seen by eye. Made with telescope and camera firmly planted on Earth, the image reveals multi light-year sized shapes and structures of cosmic gas and dust within the Wizard though, in a color palette made popular in Hubble Space Telescope images. Recorded with narrowband filters, the visible wavelength light from the nebula’s hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur atoms is transformed into green, blue, and red colors in the final digital composite.
Tomorrow’s picture: moon, landing
影像提供与版权: Andrew Klinger
说明: 疏散星团NGC 7380,仍然包裹在孕育它、名为巫师星云的星际气体尘埃胎衣云里。位在影像左侧,有我们银河系盘面前景和背景恒星为伴的这团星云,位在仙王星方向,离我们约8,000光年远。这幅视野可轻易容纳一个满月的影像,呈现了4百万年稚龄的年轻星团和通常太暗而不可见的相关星云。这幅使用牢牢固定在地面上的望远镜和相机所拍摄的影像,采用哈伯太空望远镜的配色表,以突显巫师星云内大小达数光年的气体和尘埃云。此外,在这幅透过窄波段滤镜记录的数位组合影像里,来自星云氢、氧和硫原子的光,分别以绿、蓝和红来配色。
明日的图片: moon, landing