GW Orionis: A Star System with Tilted Rings
Animation Illustration Credit: ESO, U. Exeter, S. Kraus et al., L. Calçada
Explanation: Triple star system GW Orionis appears to demonstrate that planets can form and orbit in multiple planes. In contrast, all the planets and moons in our Solar System orbit in nearly the same plane. The picturesque system has three prominent stars, a warped disk , and inner tilted rings of gas and grit. The featured animation characterizes the GW Ori system from observations with the European Southern Observatory’s VLT and ALMA telescopes in Chile. The first part of the illustrative video shows a grand vista of the entire system from a distant orbit, while the second sequence takes you inside the tilted rings to resolve the three central co-orbiting stars. Computer simulations indicate that multiple stars in systems like GW Ori could warp and break-up disks into unaligned, exoplanet-forming rings.
Tomorrow’s picture: ear of the eagle
图示动画提供: ESO, U. Exeter, S. Kraus et al., L. Calçada
说明: 三合星系统猎户座GW星看似在揭示:行星能形成和绕行于多个不同的面上。相较之下,我们太阳系所有的行星和卫星,则几乎全部在同一个面上。这个奇妙的恒星系统,拥有3颗明亮的恒星、扭曲的拱星盘、以及多个侧倾由气体和砂砾构成的内环。这部以智利欧南天文台VLT和ALMA望远镜观测为基础的主题动画,呈现猎户座GW星内的景观。揭示动画的第一部分,从位在外围远处的轨道上,眺望这个系统所见到的全貌,第二部分则把读者带到侧倾的拱星环之内,并解析出中心那3颗相互绕行的恒星。电脑模拟显示像猎户座GW星这种多合星系统里的恒星,能扭曲拱星盘并把它们塑成非共面的系外行星形成环。 (GW Orionis 猎户座GW星)
明日的图片: ear of the eagle