Tagging Bennu
Image Credit: OSIRIS-REx, University of Arizona, NASA, Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
Explanation: On October 20, after a careful approach to the boulder-strewn surface, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft’s arm reached out and touched asteroid Bennu. Dubbed a Touch-And-Go (TAG) sampling event, the 30 centimeter wide sampling head (TAGSAM) appears to crush some of the rocks in this snapshot. The close-up scene was recorded by the spacecraft’s SamCam some 321 million kilometers from planet Earth, just after surface contact. One second later, the spacecraft fired nitrogen gas from a bottle intended to blow a substantial amount of Bennu’s regolith into the sampling head, collecting the loose surface material. Data show the spacecraft spent approximately 5 more seconds in contact with Bennu’s Nightingale sample site and then performed its back-away burn. Timelapse frames from SamCam reveal the aftermath.
Tomorrow’s picture: pixels in space
影像提供: OSIRIS-REx, University of Arizona, NASA, Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
说明: 10月20日,在战战兢兢靠近满布巨岩的表面之后,OSIRIS-REx太空船的机械臂伸出并轻触贝努小行星。在这张记录这个名为”稍触即离(TAG)”采样事件的快照里,30公分宽的采样头(TAGSAM)看来压碎了部分的岩块。这幅特写影像,是由离地球约3亿2千1百万公里远的采样相机,摄于表面接触之后。拍照的1秒之后,太空船的瓶装氮气喷出,试图扬起大量的贝努粉尘,让采样头有机会收集松散的表面物质。回传的数据显示,这艘太空船继续停留在贝努·南丁格尔取样点约5秒后,就进行远离喷发操作。在这些采样相机的定格里,可看到退离的景观。
明日的图片: pixels in space