Venusian Volcano Imagined
Illustration Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Peter Rubin
Explanation: What would an erupting volcano on Venus look like? Evidence of currently active volcanoes on Venus was announced earlier this year with the unexplained warmth of regions thought to contain only ancient volcanoes. Although large scale images of Venus have been taken with radar, thick sulfuric acid clouds would inhibit the taking of optical light vistas. Nevertheless, an artist’s reconstruction of a Venusian volcano erupting is featured. Volcanoes could play an important role in a life cycle on Venus as they could push chemical foods into the cooler upper atmosphere where hungry microbes might float. Pictured, the plume from an erupting volcano billows upwards, while a vast lava field covers part of the hot and cracked surface of Earth’s overheated twin. The possibility of airborne microbial Venusians is certainly exciting, but currently controversial.
An APOD Described on TikTok: By astrokirsten
Tomorrow’s picture: big lobster
图示提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Peter Rubin
说明: 金星的爆发火山拥具有何种风貌?在今年初发布的通告,宣布在金星原先咸认只剩古火山的区域,侦测到可能仍然活跃的火山散发之热气。在过去,大区域的金星影像都是使用雷达拍摄的,因为可见光无法透视厚厚的硫酸云。所以,这幅主题图示,是艺术家对喷发中金星火山的想像和重建。火山能把“化学食物”推向较低温的高层大气,滋养也许漂浮在该处的微生物,因此火山对金星的生命循环,可能扮演重要的角色。在这幅图示里,一座火山正在向上空喷发烟尘,而于这颗地球过热孪生行星的炽热广袤龟裂表面上,有四处泛流的岩浆。金星有空漂的微生物的可能性,诚然令人振奋,但目前仍颇有争议。
抖音介绍每日天文图: By astrokirsten
明日的图片: Big lobster