Venus, Mercury, and the Waning Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Kevin Sargozza
Explanation: Yesterday, early morning risers around planet Earth were treated to a waning Moon low in the east as the sky grew bright before dawn. From the Island of Ortigia, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy this simple snapshot found the slender sunlit crescent just before sunrise. Never wandering far from the Sun in Earth’s sky, inner planets Venus and Mercury shared the calm seaside view. Also in the frame, right of the line-up of Luna and planets, is bright star Spica, alpha star of the constellation Virgo and one of the 20 brightest stars in Earth’s night. Tomorrow the Moon will be New. The dark lunar disk means mostly dark nights for planet Earth in the coming week and a good chance to watch the annual Leonid Meteor Shower.
Today watch: Commercial Crew Launch to ISS
Tomorrow’s picture: edge-on
影像提供与版权: Kevin Sargozza
说明: 昨天世界各地早起的人们,有幸见到下弦月低悬在日出前逐渐变亮的东方天空中。上面这幅摄于义大利.西西里自治区.叙拉古省.奥堤迦岛的影像,记录了这抹日出前天空的纤细蛾眉月。而在这片静谧的滨海景观里,还可见到永远流连在太阳附近的金星和水星这二颗内行星。此外,在眉月和行星的右方,可见到室女座最明亮的角宿一,它同时也是地球夜空最明亮的20颗星之一。明天的月相是新月(农历初一),故月盘全黑,这也是说在接下来的这星期里,夜空将无月光干扰,正是观赏狮子流星雨的好时机。
今日关注: 将商业宇航员发射到国际空间站
明日的图片: edge-on