Mons Rumker in the Ocean of Storms
Image Credit & Copyright: Jean-Yves Letellier
Explanation: Mons Rumker, a 70 kilometer wide complex of volcanic domes, rises some 1100 meters above the vast, smooth lunar mare known as Oceanus Procellarum, the Ocean of Storms. Daylight came to the area late last month. The lunar terminator, the shadow line between night and day, runs diagonally across the left side in this telescopic close-up of a waxing gibbous Moon from November 27. China’s Chang’e-5 mission landing site is also in the frame. The probe’s lander-ascender combination touch down on the lunar surface within a region right of center and north of Mons Rumker’s domes on December 1. On December 3 the ascender left the Ocean of Storms carrying 2 kilograms of lunar material for return to planet Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: close-up of a stellar nursery
影像提供与版权: Jean-Yves Letellier
说明: 在平滑月海风暴洋内的吕姆克山,是个高约1,100公尺、宽70公里左右的火山丘复合体。在上个月底,白昼降临此区域。在11月27日拍下这幅盈凸月的望远镜特写影像时,分隔昼夜的月表明暗交界线斜贯过影像的左侧。中国嫦娥五号的著陆点就在这片视野之内。这艘结合着陆器和上升器的探测船,12月1日的著陆点,位在影像中右方、吕姆克山以上的区域内。在12月3日,上升器带着2公斤预备要送回地球的月球物质离开风暴洋。 (Mons Rumker 吕姆克山)