Arecibo Telescope Collapse
Video Credit: Arecibo Observatory, NSF
Explanation: This was one great scientific instrument. Starting in 1963, the 305-meters across Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico USA reigned as the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world for over 50 years. Among numerous firsts and milestones, data from Arecibo has been used to measure the spin of Mercury, map the surface of Venus, discover the first planets outside of our Solar System, verify the existence of gravitational radiation, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and, reportedly, locate hidden military radar by tracking their reflections from the Moon. Past its prime and in the process of being decommissioned, the Arecibo Telescope suffered a catastrophic structural collapse early this month, as seen in the featured composite video.
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影片提供: Arecibo Observatory, NSF
说明: 它曾是重要的天文仪器之一。在1963年启用后的50年之间,位在美国玻多黎各的305米口径阿雷西博望远镜,是世界上最大的单碟射电望远镜。在它众多的创举和里程碑里,阿雷西博的数据曾用来量测水星的自转、为金星表面造像、发现首颗系外行星、确认重力辐射的真实性、寻找外星文明、以及据报导,曾用月面反射的讯号来定位隐不可见的军事雷达。因设施老旧而处在除役阶段的阿雷西博望远镜,在这个月初发生毁灭性的结构垮塌,过程请参见这部主题影片。
明日的图片: open space