Northern Winter Night
Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block
Explanation: Orion always seems to come up sideways on northern winter evenings. Those familiar stars of the constellation of the Hunter are caught above the trees in this colorful night skyscape. Not a star at all but still visible to eye, the Great Nebula of Orion shines below the Hunter’s belt stars. The camera’s exposure reveals the stellar nursery’s faint pinkish glow. Betelgeuse, giant star at Orion’s shoulder, has the color of warm and cozy terrestrial lighting, but so does another familiar stellar giant, Aldebaran. Alpha star of the constellation Taurus the Bull, Aldebaran anchors the recognizable V-shape traced by the Hyades Cluster toward the top of the starry frame.
Tomorrow’s picture: Fox Fur, Unicorn, Christmas Tree
影像提供与版权: Adam Block
说明: 在北半球的冬夜里,猎户座斜躺着东升。在这幅色彩缤纷的夜空影像里,我们很熟悉的猎户座众星,看似悬在这些绿树的上空。其中,不是恒星、但肉眼依然可见的猎户大星云,挂在猎户腰带三星的下方。这个恒星育婴室散发的粉红辉光,在此幅影像里依稀可辨。猎户肩部的巨星参宿四,带着人间灯火的暖色,而视野里色泽相近的恒星,还有巨星毕宿五。毕宿五这颗金牛座最明亮的恒星,是影像顶端V型毕宿星团的定锚天体。