Star Cluster R136 Breaks Out
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, & F. Paresce (INAF-IASF), R. O’Connell (U. Virginia) et al.
Explanation: In the center of nearby star-forming region lies a huge cluster containing some of the largest, hottest, and most massive stars known. These stars, known collectively as star cluster R136, part of the Tarantula Nebula, were captured in the featured image in visible light in 2009 through the Hubble Space Telescope. Gas and dust clouds in the Tarantula Nebula, have been sculpted into elongated shapes by powerful winds and ultraviolet radiation from these hot cluster stars. The Tarantula Nebula lies within a neighboring galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud and is located a mere 170,000 light-years away.
Tomorrow’s picture: phase the moon
影像提供: NASA, ESA, & F. Paresce (INAF-IASF), R. O’Connell (U. Virginia) et al.
说明: 在邻近恒星形成区的中心,有个庞大的星团,内有现知最庞大、最炽热且最大质量的一群恒星。上面这张由哈伯太空望远镜.第三代广角相机,摄于2009年的壮丽可见光影像,主题就是这个位在蜘蛛星云之内,名为R136的星团。蜘蛛星云的云气和尘埃,在星团炽热恒星的强烈恒星风与紫外辐射的雕塑下,形成一缕缕长丝状的结构。蜘蛛星云位在邻近的大麦哲伦星系之内,离我们只有170,000光年远。
明日的图片: phase the moon