A Northern Winter Night
Image Credit & Copyright: Lukasz Zak
Explanation: Snow blankets the ground in this serene forest and sky view. Assembled in a 360 degree panoramic projection, the mosaicked frames were captured at January’s end along a quiet country road near Siemiony, northeastern Poland, planet Earth. The night was cold and between trees reaching toward the sky shine the stars and nebulae of the northern winter Milky Way. Near zenith is bright star Capella, a mere 43 light-years above the tree tops. Alpha star of the constellation Auriga the Charioteer and part of the winter hexagon asterism, Capella is a well-studied double star system. Follow the Milky Way above and right of Capella and you might spot the familiar stars of Orion in the northern winter night.
Tomorrow’s picture: straggler stars
影像提供与版权:Lukasz Zak
说明:在这片静谧的森林和夜空景观里,大地披覆着皑皑白雪。拼接出这幅360度全景投影的照片,则是在今年1月底,摄于地球. 波兰东北部Siemiony村附近的宁静乡道。在那个酷寒的冬夜,北天冬季银河内的恒星和星云,在高耸参天的树梢上空绽放光芒。天顶附近的亮星,是离这些树梢只有43光年远的五车二。身为御夫座最亮星的五车二,除了是双星系统的成员之外,也是冬季六边形(大椭圆)的一部分的 在上空的银河和五车二的右方,可找到北半球冬夜很熟悉的猎户座恒星。
明日的图片:straggler stars