Landing on Mars: Seven Minutes of Terror
Video Credit: NASA, JPL
Explanation: Starting Thursday, there may be an amazing new robotic explorer on Mars. Or there may be a new pile of junk. It all likely depends on things going correctly in the minutes after the Mars 2020 mission arrives at its new home planet and attempts to deploy the Perseverance rover. Arguably the most sophisticated landing yet attempted on the red planet, consecutive precision events will involve a heat shield, a parachute, several rocket maneuvers, and the automatic operation of an unusual device called a Sky Crane. Thursday’s Seven Minutes of Terror echo the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2012, as depicted in the featured video. If successful, the car-sized Perseverance rover will rest on the surface of Mars, soon to begin exploring Jezero Crater to better determine the habitability of this seemingly barren world to life — past, present, and future. Although multiple media outlets may cover this event, one way to watch these landing events unfold is on the NASA channel live on the web.
News: NASA Perseverance Coverage
Tomorrow’s picture: seven more minutes
影片提供: NASA, JPL
说明: 从星期四起,火星表面或许会多一部新火星车,或者多一堆垃圾。成功与否,端视火星2020任务抵达火星的数分钟之后,试图布署毅力号火星车的操作是否正确展开。这或许是最复杂的火星登陆操作,环环相扣的精确步骤,包括热遮罩、降落伞、数次火箭操控、以及名为天空起重机的自主操控装置。星期四的登陆火星恐怖七分钟,会很类似这部主题影片所呈现的2012年好奇号登陆火星。如果顺利登陆,这部房车大小的毅力号火星车,会暂时伫停在火星表面,接着将展开探索耶泽罗撞击坑的工作,以决定火星这个看生命荒漠的天体,在过去、现在及未来的适居性。届时或许会有数种传媒管道转播这个登陆事件,其中之一是透过NASA频道,观赏登陆事件的进展。
新闻: NASA毅力号着陆实况
明日的图片: seven more minutes