Mars Perseverance Sol 0
Image Credit: NASA, JPL, Mars 2020
Explanation: After a 203 day interplanetary voyage, and seven minutes of terror, Perseverance has landed on Mars. Confirmation of the successful landing at Jezero crater was announced from mission control at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California at 12:55 pm PST on February 18. The car-sized Mars rover’s Front Left Hazard Avoidance Camera acquired this initial low resolution image shortly after touchdown on mission Sol 0. A protective cover is still on the camera, but the shadow of Perseverance, now the most ambitious rover sent to the Red Planet, is visible cast across the martian surface.
Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend
影像提供: NASA, JPL, Mars 2020
说明: 经过203天的行星际旅程,以及恐怖7分钟之旅后,毅力号着陆在火星上。在太平洋标准时间2月18日午后12:55,位在南加州的美国航太总署.喷射推进实验室的任务控制中心,正式确认在耶杰罗坑的著陆成功。着陆后不久,这部房车大小的火星车之左前避险相机,拍下了上面这幅初期低解析影像,标志这部火星车火星历的第一天。虽然相机仍在保护罩内,不过在影像里,仍可清楚见到这部空前的毅力号火星车,在火星表面投下的身影。
明日的图片: light-weekend