Video: Perseverance Landing on Mars
Video Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Mars 2020 Mission Team
Explanation: What would it look like to land on Mars? To better monitor the instruments involved in the Entry, Decent, and Landing of the Perseverance Rover on Mars last week, cameras with video capability were included that have now returned their images. The featured 3.5-minute composite video begins with the opening of a huge parachute that dramatically slows the speeding spacecraft as it enters the Martian atmosphere. Next the heat shield is seen separating and falls ahead. As Perseverance descends, Mars looms large and its surface becomes increasingly detailed. At just past 2-minutes into the video, the parachute is released and Perseverance begins to land with dust-scattering rockets. Soon the Sky Crane takes over and puts Perseverance down softly, then quickly jetting away. The robotic Perseverance rover will now begin exploring ancient Jezero Crater, including a search for signs that life once existed on Earth’s neighboring planet.
Tomorrow’s picture: old galaxy friend
影片提供: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Mars 2020 Mission Team
说明: 着陆火星会见到那些景观?为了详细监控上个星期,毅力号火星车切入、下降及著陆火星期间各类设备的表现,特别设置了数部具有录影功能的相机,而它们所记录的影像已回传到地球。这部长3.5分钟的组合主题影片,以庞大的降落伞开展,大幅降低太空船切入火星大气的速度为起点。接着见到热遮罩分离下坠。随着毅力号下降,火星变得越来越大,表面也逐渐清晰。在这部影片的2分钟附近,降落伞断开,毅力号点燃会扬起尘埃的火箭,持续向火星靠近。不久之后,天空起动机出动轻轻把毅力号放在火星上,然后快速喷射离去。毅力号火星车很快就会开始探索古老的耶杰罗坑,工作之一是寻找这颗地球近邻,过去是否曾有生命存在的迹证。
明日的图片: old galaxy friend