Ingenuity: First Flight over Mars
Video Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, ASU, MSSS
Explanation: What’s the best way to explore Mars? Perhaps there is no single best way, but a newly demonstrated method shows tremendous promise: flight. Powered flight has the promise to search vast regions and scout out particularly interesting areas for more detailed investigation. Yesterday, for the first time, powered flight was demonstrated on Mars by a small helicopter named Ingenuity. In the featured video, Ingenuity is first imaged by the Perseverance rover sitting quietly on the Martian surface. After a few seconds, Ingenuity’s long rotors begin to spin, and a few seconds after that — history is made as Ingenuity actually takes off, hovers for a few seconds, and then lands safely. More tests of Ingenuity’s unprecedented ability are planned over the next few months. Flight may help humanity better explore not only Mars, but Saturn’s moon Titan over the next few decades.
Tomorrow’s picture: big magnetic collision
影片提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech, ASU, MSSS
说明: 探索火星的最佳方法是什么?最佳方法或许并不存在,但是刚通过实证的飞行具有很高的可行性。因为动力飞行可侦察大范围的区域,然后对特定的区域进行详细的探索。在昨天,名为机智号的小直升机,在火星进行了历史性的首次动力飞行。在这部由毅力号火星车拍摄的主题影片里,起先机智号伫停在火星表面,数秒之后,机智号的旋翼开始转动,又了过数秒,机智号腾空进行历史性的飞航,然后在悬浮数秒之后,安全的降落在火星表面。在接下来的数个月里,预定会进行更多攸关机智号飞行能力的测试。具有在外星飞航的科技,除了有助于探索火星之外,在接下来的数十年内,或许也对探索土星的土卫六(泰坦)有帮助。
明日的图片: big magnetic collision