Perseverance from Ingenuity
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Ingenuity
Explanation: Flying at an altitude of 5 meters (just over 16 feet), on April 25 the Ingenuity helicopter snapped this sharp image. On its second flight above the surface of Mars, its color camera was looking back toward Ingenuity’s current base at Wright Brothers Field and Octavia E. Butler Landing marked by the tracks of the Perseverance rover at the top of the frame. Perseverance itself looks on from the upper left corner about 85 meters away. Tips of Ingenuity’s landing legs just peek over the left and right edges of the camera’s field of view. Its record setting fourth flight completed on April 30, Ingenuity collected images of a potential new landing zone before returning to Wright Brothers Field. Ingenuity’s fifth flight would be one-way though as the Mars aircraft moves on to the new airfield, anticipating a new phase of operational demonstration flights.
Tomorrow’s picture: clouds of the keel
影像提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech
说明: 在4月25日以5公尺的高度飞行时,机智号火星直升机拍下这张清晰的影像。在火星表面上空进行第二次飞航时,机智号的彩色相机,回首眺望目前位在莱特兄弟机场和巴特勒降落点(顶缘有毅力号轮痕的区域)的基地。影像的左上角,有伫立在85公尺之外的毅力号。而在相机视野的左缘和右缘,可以看到机智号的降落支架的脚尖。在4月30日进行创记录的第四次飞航里,机智号为新降落区候选拍下多幅影像之后,才返回莱特兄弟机场。在机智号的第五次飞行,这部火星飞行器会进行移驻新机场的单向航程,接着预期会进行一些全新的飞行示范。
明日的图片: clouds of the keel