Lightning Eclipse from the Planet of the Goats
Image Credit & Copyright: Chris Kotsiopoulos (GreekSky)
Explanation: Thunderstorms almost spoiled this view of the spectacular 2011 June 15 total lunar eclipse. Instead, storm clouds parted for 10 minutes during the total eclipse phase and lightning bolts contributed to the dramatic sky. Captured with a 30-second exposure the scene also inspired one of the more memorable titles (thanks to the astrophotographer) in APOD’s now 25-year history. Of course, the lightning reference clearly makes sense, and the shadow play of the dark lunar eclipse was widely viewed across planet Earth in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The picture itself, however, was shot from the Greek island of Ikaria at Pezi. That area is known as “the planet of the goats” because of the rough terrain and strange looking rocks. The next total lunar eclipse will occur on Wednesday.
Details: Total Lunar Eclipse on 2021 May 26
Tomorrow’s picture: disappearing moon
影像提供与版权: Chris Kotsiopoulos (GreekSky)
说明: 雷暴系统几乎毁了这片出现在2011年6月15日的精采月全食景观。幸好,雷暴云在月全食期分开了将近十分钟,而闪电更为这幅动人的夜景增添了不少风采。这片用30秒长曝光所记录的景象,启发拍摄者想出了一个在至今APOD的25年历史中较令人难以忘怀的标题之一。标题所提到的闪电当然相当精采,而月全食的光和影,更广为地球欧洲、非洲、亚洲及澳洲的住民所共赏。这幅影像摄于希腊. Ikaria岛的Pezi村;这区域因为地貌崎岖岩石狰狞,而被称为是山羊的国度。最近一次的月食,将出现在这星期三。(译注:此次台湾地区可见的月全食,适逢今年最大的满月。)
详细信息: 2021年5月26日的月全食
明日的图片: disappearing moon