Lunar Dust and Duct Tape
Image Credit: Apollo 17, NASA
Explanation: Why is the Moon so dusty? On Earth, rocks are weathered by wind and water, creating soil and sand. On the Moon, the history of constant micrometeorite bombardment has blasted away at the rocky surface creating a layer of powdery lunar soil or regolith. For the Apollo astronauts and their equipment, the pervasive, fine, gritty dust was definitely a problem. On the lunar surface in December 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan needed to repair one of their rover’s fenders in an effort to keep the rooster tails of dust away from themselves and their gear. This picture reveals the wheel and fender of their dust covered rover along with the ingenious application of spare maps, clamps, and a grey strip of “duct tape”.
Tomorrow’s picture: cloudy day on Earth
影像提供: Apollo 17, NASA
说明: 为何月球有这么多灰尘呢?在地球上,岩石受风及水侵蚀而形成土壤和沙。然而,月面上的粉尘(或称腐岩),却是微小陨石不停轰击岩质的月表,所逐渐累积出来的。但是对阿波罗计划的太空人与装备,这些无所不在的砂砾状粉尘,会造成相当多的麻烦。在1972年12月,阿波罗17号在月表的太空人史密特与色南,就必须 修复月面车的挡泥板,以免扬起的鸡尾尘伤到太空人和器具。在这幅影像里,可见到满是粉尘的月面车轮和挡泥板,以及巧妙运用备份月面地图、夹子和银色布胶所进行的修补。
明日的图片: cloudy day on Earth